Re: Ical problems
17 May 2014 03:23 pm | Anonymous
Posted by Houyhnhnm
:) I became a member, can you link some of your recipes, I may try them out:) |
Regex works outside pipe but not inside - how can I proceed?
17 May 2014 03:01 pm | Anonymous
Posted by Mark
After having done some manipulation in a pipe, I can end up with the following empty link and image source (which I want to replace with nothing, i.e. remove:
Using RegExr.com I can see that the following matches it just fine
]*> ]*>[^>]*>
...but when I use that in the pipe where the empty link and image source are, it doesn't match - or doesn't do the replace.
What can I do to force the match and replace?
I haven't given a pipe link because this happens so rarely that it's almost impossible to see happen in the first place! |
PostgreSQL adopte un format basé sur JSON pour cibler le marché du NoSQL, la bêta de la version 9.4 disponible
17 May 2014 10:57 am | Anonymous
PostgreSQL 9.4 : un nouveau format basé sur JSON pour mieux cibler le marché du NoSQL
et pas mal de nouvelles fonctionnalités
Au moment où la tendance NoSQL(Not only SQL) gagne encore plus de terrain, il semblerait que PostgreSQL soit sur les traces de MongoDB, en effet le célèbre SGBD relationnel et objet PostgreSQL vient de faire une annonce fracassante, la version 9.4 est compatible NoSQL nativement et introduit un nouveau format qui lui est dédié.
Ainsi même si cette nouvelle mouture apporte... |
jQuery Picturetape : Tape your pictures to any DOM element
17 May 2014 09:24 am | Anonymous
jQUery picturetape is plugin that tape your pictures to any DOM element with flexible positioning.
ScrollStory : jQuery UI widget for building Simple Scroll-based Pages
17 May 2014 09:17 am | Anonymous
A jQuery UI widget for building simple, scroll-based pages and interactions.
Key features include:
- 100% style agnostic. Just a collection of often-used scroll-based patterns.
- Use existing DOM, or use an array of objects to create markup.
- 16+ jQueryUI-style events/callbacks for various application state events.
- Focus and blur event when an individual story becomes active or inactive.
- Items can be grouped into categories, with event dispatched as categories change.
- Items filterable by user-specified tags.
- Items aware of their in-viewport status.
- Programmatically animated scroll to any item.
- Throttled scroll events and minimal DOM usage.
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