
Devweb du 22/07/2014

Re: Failed to create URL/ Bad host

22 Jul 2014 11:45 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
I might have a new solution to your problem: use google scripts to "proxy" the feed. You clearly cannot use feedburner as your source url depend on the query. However, I just began to use google scripts, and I see there a formidable potential. Basically, this service host the execution of javascripts, acting like a server-side client. If it is possible to parse a GET url, or provide arguments in some way, you can use those to build the url, and fetch the feed which is then poured into pipes. I'm willing to work with you on the subject if you're interested!
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Re: bad host error in yahoo pipes --- no problem in the browser

22 Jul 2014 11:36 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
Hello to both of you,
A working fix is to feedburn the sources, but you will loose the flexibility of the url builder. In your case Jonathan, as you pipe is pretty simple it is easily doable and provide you some assurances (and I checked, it works in feedburn). So my advise is, feedburn the source, copy the resulting feed url, and use this one as source.
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Re: Cloned my unpublished blog

22 Jul 2014 11:31 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
I'm in no position to solve your problem but please, do read me.
Pipes is based on openness: access to the 'sources' is as simple as it gets. If the other user uses your pipe maybe you should feel pleased he recognised the quality of your work instead of spiteful. Of course he should quote you, eg the source. If he uses your pipe for profit, this is another matter, but I'm not sure it's Paul's responsibility to arbitrate such disputes. Did you contact the 'offender'?
When publishing pipes (even if it's through your blog instead of through pipe's publishing function), if you take no precautions, be prepared to have such copies. However, you can protect your sources, using google scripts for example. I can send you a fully functional example (thanks to Mark here to have provided me so generously with his own work on gscripts which got me started!). If you want it, you can send me a mail at lolo_pipes at yahoo dot com.
Finally, to simplify Paul's work, you probably should provide the url to the pipe in question.Provide me with all this information, and, in the relevant case, I'll see what I can do.
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Re: Pipes don't work with some rss-uris?

22 Jul 2014 11:08 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
Hello to both of you,
Let's decompose the problem and try to answer it, then I'll give you my thoughts about it. I'll give you a general solution to try out, and ask you a few questions about the uses of your pipes afterwards.
The cases are:
  • There are occurrences of perfectly working feeds and pipes
  • There are occurrences of "Invalid XML document" of a few feeds.
which means the urls are correct, and pipe has no problem fetching them, as they are fetched (though some times only). So first think to check is if there are actually times when the feeds work. I did it for all 3 quoted urls of Eyke Eikin, this is the case.
Next is to analyse the problem: invalid xml document, eg the fetch page is not an rss feed. In my experience this probably caused either by downtime of the server, authentication issues, or rate limits. Second think to check is the actual page indicated by the url when you have an occurrence of the error, so go to the url using your web browser: if there is no problem, it probably isn't a downtime issue, so only two possibilities left. Next, try to fetch the page (not the rss) using pipes, through the XPath fetch page module for example, to have the request can from the same server.
At that point we will be much more aware of what's going on.
A general fix for the 3 potential issues I've highlighted is the use of feedburner (and the likes of), as it will provide a de facto proxy for the feed. Whether to feedburn the sources or the pipe's url depend on the usage you have of the feed you've created, so here come the questions: How many requests per minute/hour/day the pipe has? do you call the same source several times in a single pipe?
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Re: Why doesn't my pipes feed validate?

22 Jul 2014 10:45 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
You can ignore the 2 warnings over which you have no control:
  • "Use of unknown namespace: http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007": old xmlns pipe integrated for youtube's videos embedding, but I think deprecated since then.
  • "Missing with rel="self"": because you have many result and pipe uses pagination, the links to the next page of your results.
However, you should really look at the others 2 problems (well, the first at least):
  • "guid values must not be duplicated within a feed": you probably have duplicates in your feed and that's not nice at all for the viewer. Either use the Unique module to filter out duplicates, or revise your guid scheme.
  • "Missing enclosure attribute: length": Check that article. Basically, the enclosure field should have the attributes type, length, and url. The length attribute specifies the length of the media file. Obviously not really applicable in case of images, the enclosure is still the most portable implantation: either ignore the warning or put a length=0 value.
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Re: RSS feed problem

22 Jul 2014 09:40 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
No fix, nor problem here.An RSS feed is an XML file containing data - may it be news articles or something else.However, XML files also have many more uses, one of which being websites, in which case they are generally composed of an XML dedicated to style, and one to content, it's the alternative to the traditional CSS/HTML couple.
The warning message you get is because your navigator tried to interpret it as a website, but it (logically) has no style data associated. However, in your bookmark menu, you might find something along the line of "add a dynamical bookmark", or better yet, use a feed reader. If that's solely for debug purposes, you might want to open the link up in an advanced text editor (something like Kate, emacs, notepad++, gedit, ...).
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Re: 503 error in Google

22 Jul 2014 09:34 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
Hello again,
update to my previous post with the non-functional link: make your news search as usual, be be sure to be connected to your google account. At the bottom of the page, you have the button "create an alert", click it.
Open up the alert options through the "show options" button and go for the last field, "Send to": choose RSS feed.
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Re: Server Hangup (502) Error

22 Jul 2014 09:25 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
Post the link to your pipe in order to get relevant help.
Server hangups are probably caused by downtime of the source your trying to fetch. using feedburner might help solve the problem, but without source it's hard to say for sure.
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Re: Pipe deletion

22 Jul 2014 09:23 am | Anonymous

Posted by Lolo
If nothing else works, clone it and run your copy.
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smoothAnchor.js : jQuery Plugin for Smooth Scrolling

22 Jul 2014 08:11 am | Anonymous

SmoothAnchor.js is a jQuery plugin for smooth scrolling.
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