
Devweb du 30/03/2014

Get only items from today + update the pipe at a certain time each day

30 Mar 2014 04:32 pm | Anonymous

Posted by Anonymous
Hi Guys.
I've got a pipe that puts out one item per day. That's a start.
I now need to:
  1. Make sure that it only allows items from today through.
  2. Set the pipe to refresh itself only at a certain time each day.
This will be used to tweet 'OnThisDay' type facts.
Here's the pipe:
Thanks in advance guys!
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jQuery Sheetrock : Plugin for Load data from Google Spreadsheets

30 Mar 2014 08:06 am | Anonymous

Sheetrock is a jQuery plugin for querying, retrieving, and displaying data from Google Spreadsheets. Use it to load entire sheets or leverage SQL-like queries to treat Google Spreadsheets as a quick-and-dirty JSON datastore. All you need is the URL of a public Google Spreadsheet. It requires no backend code whatsoever—everything is done in the browser.
  • Query sheets using the SQL-like Google Visualization query language (filters, pivots, sorting, grouping, and more)
  • Lazy-load large data sets (infinite scroll with ease)
  • Mix in your favorite templating system (Handlebars, Underscore, etc.)
  • Customize to your heart's content with your own handlers and callbacks
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WP ThumbFx – Responsive jQuery Thumbnail Effects

30 Mar 2014 07:58 am | Anonymous

Enrich your website experience with WPThumbFx, a WordPress jQuery animation plugin that brings your images and content in your articles to life. Create unique animated effects effortlessly without any knowledge of jQuery. All effects are responsive and adapt perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops.
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jQuery MatchHeight.js : Responsive Equal Heights plugin

30 Mar 2014 07:31 am | Anonymous

matchHeight makes the height of all selected elements exactly equal.
  • row aware, handles floating elements
  • responsive, automatically updates on window resize
  • handles mixed padding, margin, border values (even if every element has them different)
  • accounts for box-sizing
  • handles images and other media (updates automatically after loading)
  • data attributes API
  • tested in IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Chrome Android
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Le secret du vote en dehors de l'isoloir

30 Mar 2014 01:00 am | Anonymous

Je votais ce matin pour les élections municipales. Je piochai deux bulletins, un pour chaque candidat, puis me dirigeai dans l'isoloir. Je me retrouvai face à deux feuilles de papier, anormalement grandes. J'en choisis une qu'il me fallut plier en huit afin de la faire rentrer dans l'enveloppe qui elle n'avait pas changé. Rien d'inhabituel dans ce geste citoyen excepté l'épaisseur du papier de chacun des bulletins : un papier épais d'un côté, un papier fin et glassé de l'autre. Une fois plié et fourré dans l'enveloppe, le bulletin épais ne pouvait plus cacher sa rondeur alors que le le bulletin fin et glassé gardait sa platitude. Je sus donc, sans trop hésiter, pour qui votèrent les deux personnes qui me précédèrent. Et je suppose fortement que le secret de mon bulletin n'aura pas résisté aux électeurs qui me suivirent.
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Server status twitter bot

29 Mar 2014 09:55 pm | Anonymous

Posted by Anonymous
Anyone have idea of how to do something like this? https://twitter.com/StatusMinecraftIf my server is down, it will send a tweet "Server 1 is down" and if it's back up "Server 1 is online again"
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pubDate Appears in "Source" but Not RSS Feed

29 Mar 2014 08:17 pm | Anonymous

Posted by Anonymous
I'm currently working on a Pipe and having an issue where the pubDate shows in the "creation area preview" but doesn't in the actual RSS feed. I've created a "test pipe" that demonstrates this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Développé par RG, grâce à MailChimp et YahooPipes

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