
Devweb du 12/05/2014

Marché des serveurs Web : Microsoft se rapproche du leader Apache, selon le baromètre de Netcraft

12 May 2014 08:58 am | Anonymous

Marché des serveurs Web : Microsoft se rapproche du leader Apache,
selon le baromètre de Netcraft

Dans le marché des serveurs web, Microsoft est en passe de devenir une menace à la suprématie d'Apache. C'est ce que suggèrent les derniers résultats du baromètre de Netcraft sur le sujet. Sur la période de mai, Microsoft représente 33,41% du marché et gagne par la même occasion près de 9 millions de sites supplémentaires dont 11 000 d'entre eux étant hébergés sur Azure, son propre cloud. Sa part...
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skippr : jQuery Super simple Slideshow plugin

12 May 2014 08:45 am | Anonymous

A super simple slideshow plugin for jQuery.
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BetterWeather : jQuery Weather Plugin

12 May 2014 08:33 am | Anonymous

This is a beautiful and feature rich weather widget with powerful responsive design! just put that in anywhere with any width in your site and magic happens!.
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NumBox : jQuery HTML5 Numeric Input Plugin

12 May 2014 08:21 am | Anonymous

NumBox a jQuery Html5 plugin aims to work equally well on desktops and mobile devices, and helps ensure that a numeric keyboard will pop-up on mobile devices when a number is entered. It offers both real-time validation as you type plus display formatting, and has a lot of customization options. For example, you could set up NumBox to handle a custom currency with your choice of decimal places, minimum and maximum values, currency symbol and if the symbol goes before or after the value. When displayed, (not focused for input,) the number is correctly formatted with the appropriate symbol and commas every three digits, etc. During input, as you press each key, before it is displayed, the key press is validated, so you can’t enter non-numeric characters, numbers that are greater or smaller than the allowed range, or a number with an inappropriate number of decimal places, etc.
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Développé par RG, grâce à MailChimp et YahooPipes

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